by Maria Teresa De Donato, Ph.D., RND, CHom

Although natural, regular, and thorough detoxification programs are instrumental in cleansing our body from different kinds of toxins which we may accumulate over time in our colon and all organs of eliminations such as the liver, kidneys, the lymphatic and circulatory systems, there are times when the presence of a hazardous amount of heavy metals in our body may require a different and more profound treatment, also known as Chelation Therapy. The word ‘chelation’ originates from the Greek term chele which indicates the ability of chelating agents to “claw” or “to bind” to toxins, including heavy metal components and metabolic wastes, and draw them from the body stream. Thanks to this process, once chelation therapy is administered intravenously, arterial plaques are removed, and blood flow is increased. This also facilitates – at least in some cases – the reversal of atherosclerosis and the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, along with the possibility of using this therapy as a substitute for bypass surgery and angioplasty, partially due to the elimination of calcified plaques. So far, Chelation Therapy has been considered a safe and successful methodology when used as an alternative treatment in case of metal poisoning. (Trivieri & Anderson, 2002, pp. 146-148)
Chelation therapy has proven to be beneficial in many health conditions: chest pains due to angina can be reduced or even eliminated; memory, sight, hearing, and the sense of smell and physical vigor increase; some health issues linked to atherosclerosis – such as heart attacks, strokes, a peripheral vascular disease which causes pain in the legs and can lead to gangrene and even to amputation – can be prevented; arterial blockages can be potentially stopped; and cancer mortality drops. The therapy can be beneficial also as protection from snakes, and spider venoms, improve brain activity, and kidney function, protects against iron poisoning and iron storage disease, refrains macular degeneration from advancing, and, in some cases, even improve the condition. (p. 149)
A complete detoxification program through Chelation Therapy requires the administration of EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), or other chelating agents, along with vitamins, minerals, and different nutritional supplements, which may also include antioxidants, copper, zinc, and manganese. Furthermore, due to its ability to detoxify, rejuvenate and reenergize the body Chelation Therapy also promotes longevity.
EDTA is the most common ligand and chelating agent in Chelation Therapy and can be used both intravenous and orally. When applied via intravenous, the chelation agents are injected directly into the bloodstream targeting the circulatory system primarily; when taken orally, the ligand and chelation agents are digested and assimilated, benefiting all body systems and organs, including tissues and cells.
In conclusion, Chelation Therapy should always be discussed with a physician and administered by a licensed practitioner according to ACAM’s (American College for Advancement in Medicine) and ABCT’s (American Board of Chelation Therapy) protocols if in the USA or the proper authority in one’s own country.
Trivieri and Anderson (2002). Alternative Medicine – The Definitive Guide. Chelation Therapy (pp. 146-149). Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts.
Disclaimer: The information included in this article is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Whatever your health condition, consult with your physician first. To know more about how Dr. De Donato can assist you through other sorts of detoxification programs, you can contact her at