Publications in English Language

For a complete list of her publications and their content you can visit Dr. Maria Teresa De Donato’s Amazon Author Page at

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Pubblicazioni in lingua Italiana

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Veröffentlichungen in der deutschen Sprache

5 STAR Review

“Finished reading this wonderful book, “Disease and Healing Dynamics”. I LOVED IT!! The author Maria Teresa De Donato, PhD. delivers a powerful message about health and wellness. This extract from her dissertation “The Dynamics Of Disease and Healing: The Role That Perception and Beliefs Play In Our Health and Wellness”, also published, focuses on belief, perception and individual awareness about illness. It got me thinking about many things especially a persons spiritual path to “awakening”. The author provides excellent sourced and cited case studies, revealed in CH 7, where we learn about disease at a core and cellular level. As well, the author brings to light our individual tendencies related to thinking, feeling, and sensing. Are all three ingredients necessary for transformation? Very insightful, thought provoking and demystifying. Great research here.”

(Francesca Durham ~ Spiritual Entrepreneur)

5 STAR Review

I am so amazed by how well written and how much information is in this book Conquering the Invisible PTSD. This book contains a wealth of information to not just identify and understand what PTSD is but what it does physiologically and psychologically. I found this book to be insightful, full of information and research to help combat the PTSD. I felt hopeful and at peace in knowing there are things I can do to restore myself to normalcy and to get rid of the degenerative effects of overstimulated adrenal glands, to overcome the depression that sometimes comes when I feel I can do nothing and am nothing, To confront the fears when those fears might not be justifiable. To assess the situation that is pressing those buttons, with renewed strength and courage by looking at the logic in that situation….versus the gut wrenching fear that is being expressed.
Through healing the body, mind and spirit….exercise, sunlight, eating well, choosing the right beverages….all aids in the healing process besides environmentally surrounding ourselves with the right supportive people. Thank you.

(L. Hillerman, USA)

5 STAR Review

I was fortunate enough to get hold of this marvellous small booklet on PTSD: Conquering the Invisible. As a Minister and Counsellor I often meet with challenges which are beyond my capabilities. I was greatly helped by Dr De Donato’s insights and her knowledge of herbal remedies. It also encouraged me to seek help elsewhere without feeling totally inadequate. Recommended reading for all those who are challenged or know someone who is troubled with PTSD.

(A. Sinkko, Australia)

5 STAR Review

Excellent book. The research and information is timely. Would highly recommend. (Hunting for The TREE of LIFE)

(L. Hillerman, USA)

5 STAR Review

Dare To Rise: Look no further for a book that takes you by the hand and gently guides you on a journey of what it means to live consciously. Highlighted throughout is the importance of reshaping how we think and live being mindful in our awareness. What really happens when time is taken to develop awareness by accessing love and wisdom from deep within? Dare To Rise gets the reader to think about where genuine love comes from and what’s really shaping our reality. The authors were very clever to discern our current hypnotic state and takes a closer look at living consciously. Through the lens of lessons learned and opportunities for change, do you really want to make the shift toward change? Like it or not the authors suggest change is coming. Are you ready to embrace a new world? The book teaches how to access and harness your birth right to joy and happiness through conscious living. And, if you apply what you learn in this book you’ll empower yourself, become wiser and authentically much happier on the path to living a life fulfilled. How can you be of service in the world using your talents contributing to a healthier global consciousness? Together can you really make a difference and bring about positive change for all of humanity? Dare To Rise will transform how you think about being connected to people locally, globally and question the role you play in helping to reshape the new emerging world and life as we know it. So many nuggets of wisdom inside this book . Dare To Rise Is A true GEM!!!!!! ~

(Francesca Durham (CCM) Spiritual Entrepreneur & Transformation Life Coach)